Thursday, September 23, 2010

Traveling Missionary

Hey everyone,

Well this week has gone by especially fast. It has been a crazy week, resulting in me being in Tula for a few days with Elder Erickson. It all started on Monday. Elder Lisevich needed to be back in his home city for one day on Tuesday. It is an overnight train from Moscow so we went to Moscow Monday night. I was just with the office elders all day on Tuesday just being bored in the office. President came in for a while and I got to have an interview with him. During the interview he got a call from the AP's. They told him that Elder Lisevich had been running to catch a bus and hurt his leg somehow and would not be able to return to Kaluga. I know he just didn't want to be on a mini mission so he just needed to find an excuse not to come back. That left me without a companion. Elder Erickson serves her in Tula and was with a mini missionary as well. President just sent his companion home and put me with Erickson. We will be trying to spend time in both Kaluga and Tula. It's going to be a pain but it's only for a couple of weeks. We are getting some new missionaries this next transfer so hopefully things will be all evened out and we won't need mini missionaries anymore. This is especially annoying because we have someone in Kaluga right now who wants to be baptized!

We met this lady back when I was with Frehner. She stopped us on the street and told us this really long story about how her son is in prison because he killed a man while supposedly defending himself and his dog from this guy. Anyway, she had known missionaries a long time ago and recognized us. Honestly I just waved the whole thing off, I thought she was a little crazy and that if anything she just wanted money from the church. She ended up coming to church that Sunday and having a long talk with our branch president. She never asked for money but she was just asking that we remember her in our prayers. Still, I kind of waved it off. Then last Sunday she came again. After Sacrament meeting she came up to me and said, Elder Geddes, how many years does it take to become a member of the church? She told me she wanted to become a member of our church so I thought, hmm, I have been praying harder than ever lately that we would be able to find someone who wanted to be baptized. I thought, maybe this lady is here for the wrong reasons but I'll teach her and find out for myself. I set up a meeting with her for the next day. The lesson we had was a good one. I really felt, by the questions she had and the concerns that she had, that she really does want to become a member of the church. She understands that God blesses us when we do what is right. She feels like she and her son need a lot of help from God right now so she wants to learn what she needs to do to to receive blessings from the Lord. She was very sincere and I feel like as we keep teaching her, she will prepare herself for baptism. Sometimes it's easy to judge someone's appearance or motives but in the end, they are a child of God just like we are. I wouldn't deny someone who truly wanted it, the chance to be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. That gift is for everyone.

Anyway, other than that, the week was nothing special. Elder Lisevich and I didn't always get along, president asked me a lot about him in my interview. He knows him pretty well and is wondering if it was the right thing to do to send this kid on a mission. I told him that a mission will be a great experience for Lisevich IF he will choose to accept the lessons that come to us on a mission. I told him to tell his mission president to assign him a trainer who is very strict, very loving and very patient. Lisevich wanted everything his way and wasn't willing to take any kind of constructive criticism. He wasn't willing to work in a companionship setting and that just doesn't work on a mission. I wish him all the best and wish his trainer good luck :)

We have a really great zone leader right now, Elder Brown. He is a man of great faith I would say. Anyway, he called us and asked us to follow the steps that Elder Lawrence gave us last week at zone conference to strengthen your faith. I can't remember if I told you about that but one of the steps was to make a sacrifice. Elder Lawrence gave examples of missionaries doing this in his mission a couple years ago such as stopping writing a girlfriend, or waking up earlier every day to study more. Anyway, Elder Brown asked us to think about and pray about something we could each sacrifice in order to be a more successful missionary and zone. I thought a lot about it and wanted to choose something that would be challenging for me and that would also help me grow the most. The thing that kept popping into my mind was English! I love to talk and tell stories and jokes, and it is hard to tell stories and jokes in Russian! I am still not speaking Russian as well as I want to before I go home so I decided I would sacrifice English for the rest of my mission. It would help so much with my Russian and it would be a good challenge for me. I thought it would be the perfect time to do it while I had a companion who spoke very little English, then he went home. One of the things Elder Lawrence said was to expect trials. After I set my goal and did well with it for a few days, the trials came and my Russian companion went home. I was with Elder Cecil my really good friend, all day Tuesday. Usually we love to talk and tell all kinds of stories in english, but this time, for the most part, we spoke Russian! Of course I will have to speak English sometimes, to president, senior couples, english club, that kind of thing, but I can do my best to speak as much Russian as possible. Elder Erickson is the same age as Elder Frehner was but he speaks really good Russian and understands really well so that's good. It's already been a week since I made the goal and I'm staying strong. It will be hard but it will be great.

I'm glad you are all doing great, I loved the pictures that Megan and Emily sent me, everyone is looking good. I am only going to write one letter today because I have a really terrible keyboard right now! I can't wait to get the package with fatty food in it, it will be great. Oh ya, I forgot, when I went to moscow I was planning on being there for one day and two nights so I packed accordingly. I won't be back in Kaluga until Saturday. When I left it was really warm, now it's freezing and rainy! I had to wash my extra two pairs of garments last night and put them on wet this morning and I am wearing Elder Ericksons sweater. I will have worn the same shirt for six days straight! Ha, but I washed it last night so don't worry. Missions are cool! You never know what you'll get. Anyway, thanks for everything, I love you guys!

Elder Geddes

Friday, September 17, 2010

A wonderful telephone call

I received a phone call yesterday from Mary Pearce, wife of Senator Monty Pearce, and she said she was relaying a message from her sister who is in Russia. She and her husband are serving in the area general presidency right now and have served as mission presidents there a while back. She said she met the most delightful missionary the other day and that he was from Idaho. She said his eyes just shined with light and he was obviously a wonderful missionary. She said he spoke well and she had just a wonderful time visiting with him. She said he knew of Monty because his dad served in the legislature with him. She wanted Mary to call me and tell me what a wonderful missionary son I had. She said she always appreciated it when someone saw on of her missionaries and called her to tell her about it. I really appreciated the phone call, it made my day. She didn't say anything I didn't already know but it was nice to hear from someone who was with him and to know he is doing well. As you read the letter below, it is the Lawrence's that he is talking about that called about him.

Hey everyone,

Things are going pretty good for me right now. Yesterday we had such an awesome zone conference. I always love getting together with the other missionaries in our mission. I especially love seeing Elder Hasbiullin. He's doing great and having a good time. We are really good friends and probably will be forever. By the way, he got transfered and is currently serving as the Branch President in Smolensk. He's a stud. Anyway, apart from that, we had Elder and Sister Lawrence speak to us. Elder Lawrence is the first counsilor in the Area Presidency. He is a former mission president in the Novosibirsk mission here in Russia. He and his wife gave such great talks. His wife spoke a lot about the blood of Israel and who we really are, that we, as the blood of Israel, promised before this life to share the gospel. She told us some really interesting things about so much stuff, I immediately wanted to enroll in an old testament class and start studying. Although we are studying the old testament in Sunday school, it's just not the same in a foreign language. Anyway, she has taught seminary and institute and has taught a lot of classes like Gospel Principles and stuff so she really knows a lot about the gospel. Elder Lawrence gave one of those talks that you just walk away feeling like you can try a little harder to be a little better. I always love those talks, they give us so much hope and desire as missionaries. I swear, they should have zone conference every week, we would probably get more baptisms! Elder Lawrence gave us some steps on how to strengthen our faith. He said we should pick a righteous goal or desire that doesn't exactly have a clear path. We must be believing, pray constantly, do everything in our power to accomplish the goal or gain the desire, then expect the Lord to perform. I definitely have a goal without a clear path, that is to baptize someone here in Kaluga. At this time, we don't really have anyone progressing to baptism, but that doesn't mean we can't have the faith to baptize.

Anyway, we had an awesome day on Sunday, Elder Frehners last day. We got 21 people to come to church! Pretty much we told them that it would be their last chance to see Elder Frehner so a lot of people from English club came and even a couple inactives came. It was really great. Monday we woke up at 4 to get on the 5 o'clock bus to Moscow. I met my new companion and got strait back on the bus to Kaluga. Elder Lesevich is his name. He's not so bad. A little moody and likes to get his way, but nothing too serious. It is kind of weird being with a mini missionary, they don't exactly have the same desires and goals as a full time missionary because they know they are going home in a couple weeks. Anyway, we worked for a couple of days then once again yesterday woke up at 4 to catch the 5 o'clock bus and spent the day in Moscow. We might have to go back to Moscow on Monday because my companion needs to be back home for just a day on the 21st. I would spend the day in the office while he traveled back to his town and we would come home early Tuesday morning I think. We'll see what happens.

I have thought about what I could possibly need or want for Christmas. Pretty much nothing that can't be eaten, I have no room in my suitcases for anything else. But I think I might be ready to make the transfer from manual to electric razor. They say it hurts at first but after a few days you get used to it. If you happen to see a good deal on an electric razor, I think I'm ready. I saw some here, they were pretty expensive. If they are way expensive at home too, don't worry about it. One thing also that I might request, pop tarts. Elder Frehner let me have one of his that he got in a package and I almost started to cry. It was pretty tasty. I hear that Ludmilla is still doing great in Veronezh. She still asks about me and Elder Hasbiullin all the time, so she hasn't forgotten. I am almost certain we will be kicked out of our apartment in December. I'm about ready to start looking for apartments a little bit. I will obviously be here for a minimum of one more transfer but I feel like I will end up being here a couple more. If I am here over Christmas, I can skype you guys. Our branch has a laptop and Frehner and Harrison used it to skype home for Mothers day. That would be cool. It wouldn't be fun to move again, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Anyway, that's about all the news from me this week. It sounds like everyone is doing good and happy, other than the fact that Liz is pretty sick. I'm sure that will go away soon though. Thanks for everything you guys do. I love reading the letters from home. Have a good week. Love you guys.

Elder Geddes

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Companion

Hello everyone,

Another week flew by. This week was a pretty good week. We had two investigators at church. One just likes to be with us because he likes to speak English with us. He has already expressed that his only interest is English, but he came to church so I guess thats a start. The other was a 33 year old woman named Svetlana. One of my first days in Kaluga, we were on the streets talking to people and she came up and asked for our book and we got her number. I have been trying to keep in touch with her the whole time and finally she said she would come to church. She showed up late, but showed up all the same. After Sacrament meeting I went up and asked her how she liked it. She said she enjoyed it and then immediately told me that she was looking for a husband. She said she had been married before and her husband wasn't too good of a guy so she is looking for a religious husband this time around. She said she doesn't want anyone from the Russian Orthodox church, and she has checked out the Jehova's Witnesses and said that they were just a little crazy so we was now checking out ours. This is seriously the first thing she said to me... she's not shy at all. Just then our branch president, Dima, walked over. She leaned over to me and asked, "is he married?" I said no, she said "How old is he?" I said, 21. She looked at him and said, "Goodbye" She didn't even waste a second talking to him and asked if we have any guys in our branch who are a little older than 33 and still single. I didn't know what to think at this point. We really have nobody in our branch that she could marry and I think she realized that. I'm not so sure we'll be seeing her anytime soon, but I will invite her to learn more about our church. Kind of a weird lady.

Monday we had a meeting with these two ladies that we meet with on Mondays and Thursdays. Lately one of them has just wanted to argue everything I say to her. She is a very very proud woman and has an opinion about everything. She is probably 55 years old and has some sort of disease that her legs don't work. Maybe she has ms, I'm not sure. Anyway, we have been going through the plan of salvation with her very slowly because she always takes us off course. Anyway, she just started saying things that were just making my blood boil. I was getting upset because she was saying things like, "God doesn't need my repentance and I don't need to be sorry for things I've done. I've already done them and it's too late. When I was a kid I would do something my parents didn't like and I would look them in the eyes and say, ya I did that, so what." I was a little baffled. I said, this isn't a joke. You will not stand before God and say, Ya I did that, so what. She said no matter what, she will never bow her head to anyone, not even God and I promised her that someday, she would bow her head to God. She just laughed. After that lesson, I could only think about a scripture I had read not too long ago about people who aren't willing to enjoy the blessings of the Celestial Kindgom. She is flat out denying the blessings and path to the Celestial Kingdom just because she isn't willing to let go of pride. I think we will meet with her one more time tonight and if it is another bad lesson we will stop meeting with her and use that time to find someone elect, someone willing to enjoy the blessings of heaven.

Tuesday we couldn't find one person to meet with us. I hate it when that happens. Luckily we had bus tickets to Tula that night at 5:30 so we didn't have to contact exactly all day. We got this guy's number who is a pastor in the Baptist church. In Minsk Belarus, a large number of the members there are former baptists. A Baptist pastor was converted and brought half of his congregation with him. Who knows, maybe we can do the same with this guy! Anyway, not a whole lot happened Tuesday. Our bus ride was pretty good, except the bus reeked of exhaust, as usual. Oh well, what can it do, make my hair fall out? Tula was fun. The Elders From Razon were there. One of them, actually the zone leader right now, worked before his mission on a crab fishing boat in the Bearing Sea. Just like the ones from the T.V. show Deadliest Catch. I was asking him questions about it all night. He said it is is the closest thing his mind can imagine Hell to be like. 2 months of just brutal work. He said at one point he went over 70 something hours without sleep. He has some cool stories and he made a ton of money. He wouldn't even tell us how much, he just said, I made enough. That would be so cool.

The District meeting we had on Wednesday was really good. It was at the Moffets house and she cooked tacos for lunch. After the meeting my companion and I got on another bus and headed home. When we got home, we got a call from President Woolley. I answered and he said, Elder Geddes, you're getting a new companion. Elder Frehner and I will be heading to Moscow on Monday morning. He will go to Nizhney Novgorod and I will pick up a mini missionary from that same city. Mini missionaries if you don't know what they are, are just young members of the church from cities in our mission. President Woolley asks them if they can serve on a mini mission, usually for just a few weeks at a time. Since we have so few missionaries, President Woolley really likes to use mini missionaries to spread the work further and faster. A lot of people have been serving mini missions lately but this will be my first experience serving with him. I have seen him a couple times and always thought he was kind of a goofy kid. Today, my email from President went like this:

Dear Elder Geddes: I want you to know that I love you and have great confidence in you. Elder Lisevich will be a challenge. I do not want to sugar coat it. You will not have him for long. He is learning how to be a missionary. He already has a mission call. I want you to do your best to teach him discipline and humility. He wants to serve, but he has a few rough edges. You will have to be careful, because he is actually quite sensitive. I am hoping that Dima will really come and serve a mini-mission. I am praying that you will find someone to baptize and build the branch.

I'm not too sure what to expect. I guess knowing I will only be with him for 5 weeks I will be able to handle anything. I really want to help him learn what a mission is like. He leaves for his own mission the Eastern Russia in December. I'm sure everything will be fine. It will be a good experience for me and will help me out with my Russian. I'll miss Elder Frehner. We have gotten along pretty well. He'll have a good time in his new city.

We don't exactly have anyone making too much progress right now but we have plans to get people progressing. There are some really great people here in Kaluga, for some reason they are all just resisting the Gospel. We'll keep working hard wiht them to get them to progress. I'm doing good and feeling healthy. I can't think of anything I need. I am happy and having a good time. Thanks for all of your letters and support. I love you guys.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kiev Temple Dedication

These are some pictures of a Russian Temple called Temple of the Savior. I didn't want you to think this was the Kiev Temple. Someday he will send pictures of the Kiev Temple when he gets to do a session there at his next visa trip

Hey guys,

This week has gone by so fast! We had a great time in Moscow at our training meetings and have been trying to work on the things we learned there. One thing they focused on a lot was asking inspired questions during lessons and really listening to the answers. We got home late Friday night. The next day was Kaluga day! It was cool. We really didn't remember that it was Kaluga day but we were buying groceries and could hear some loud music. We decided to go check it out and found out there was a big stage set up in the center of town with a bunch of dancers performing. We stayed for a while and got to see a lot of really neat cultural dances. I made some cool videos so you will be able to see how it was. It was raining the whole time. Even though we had umbrellas we got pretty wet. Anyway, Saturday went by fast. We woke up early Sunday morning and met all the 7 members at the train station and headed to Moscow for the temple dedication. We were really glad to have so many people come from Kaluga, it was really important that as many people as possible saw the dedication. When we walked in and sat down and waited for it to start, the screen was showing video footage of different temples around the world. I felt so good and then I remembered that we had to show our temple recommend to get in, meaning it was like we were in the temple. I remembered the feelings I had as I went to the temple over a year ago. I had kind of forgotten what the spirit felt like, especially in such a high dosage like we got on Sunday! It was such a warm great feeling. You can't help but KNOW that the temple is the house of God and that this is his church on the earth today. It was a great experience. We went to the second session so we didn't get to see the cornerstone ceremony, but the dedication was great. President Monson was there along with Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Nelson. There were other members of the 70 and also the president of the temple and his wife. The talks were great. Elder Lawrance, I think he is in the area presidency or something here in the East Europe area, anyway, he gave his whole talk in Russian. It wasn't very understandable at times, but it was pretty impressive. I remember when Elder Nelson came to Veronezh to dedicate that building and he bore his testimony in Russian. It was really special to the members I'm sure. President Monson put his translator to the test, as much of his talk was unscripted. He did a great job. Elder Nelson led the Hosanna shout, a lot of people, myselft included, kind of got left in the dust. I didn't have my handkerchief quite ready and I was trying to do it in Russian so I got a little off. It was cool anyway. They had a choir from Moscow in the room and they sang a few songs. They did a really good job. It was just really cool. After that, we had some time before our train so we went to a Russian temple, probably the most famous, "Temple of the Savior" it's called. It's really pretty, something that would be cool to show my family someday in the future. We weren't very prepared and had no food so we had to go buy some. We found a mall and decided to go to the food court. When we got there, much to our surprise, we found a BURGER KING!! I couldn't believe my eyes. We both got ourselves a nice big double whopper. It was so delicious, but I don't think my stomach liked it too much. I'm still paying for it I think. Actually I think it might just be a seasonal thing. When the seasons change, it always bothers my stomach. Nothing too serious of course, but I have just noticed that it seems to happen when the seasons change. It has started getting pretty chilly here. It has been raining a lot lately which is part of the reason. It all happened way fast though so I think my body is just confused about what's going on. Oh ya, some great news, our shower got fixed finally! I can't remember how much I filled you in on the shower situation but to make things short, we went almost two weeks on 3 showers. We took two showers at our landlady's house and one in Moscow. When we got back, they were finishing up the job. I'm so happy!

From Monday until today, not a whole lot has happened. We have been having a hard time again finding people to meet with. It has been hard to get contacts this week because it has been raining almost every day and people just don't like to stop and chat when it is raining. We had a family night last night at the branch. We had a pretty good turn out. We were really happy to see that a mom and her daughter finally got back from their vacation. We started to meet with them before english club and talk about the gospel. They have a Book of Mormon and they have a lot of questions. Just when things started to go good, they left for almost a month on vacation! But they are back now, so we will start trying to meet with them again. Anyway, things are going pretty good. You're right about President Woolley and his wife, they are great people. They have high hopes for us and are always encouraging us and helping feel loved and appreciated. President really wants us to baptize someone here in Kaluga. I am praying that we will be able to find at least one person who is interested in the gospel. One of my first days in Kaluga a woman saw us on the street and asked for a Book of Mormon. I have been keeping in touch with her this whole time. She just keeps saying that she wants to read more of the book before we meet. Finally a couple nights ago I talked to her and she asked if she could come to church. She will be there on Sunday I hope. Maybe she's the one person that will be interested. If not, we will keep looking.

I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well at home. Thanks for the letters and the support. I love you guys. Have a great week and I'll talk to you next week.

Elder Geddes