Thursday, January 28, 2010

Transfers, not going to happen

Hi everyone,

First of all, my trainer would like you to forward my weekly emails to him if you can. Anyway, it sounds like everyone is doing well. As far as I know, Elder Traasdahl and I will be together for this next transfer. You never really know until you get the phone call but we're pretty sure we will be together. Elder Traasdahl thinks we will be together for the next two since he only has two left. We'll see what happens. We had zone conference this past week here in Veronezh. In my interview with President, he told me that Elder Traasdahl really loves me and that he told him I have been his best companion on his mission. Ever since Elder Traasdahl got back from the temple trip, we have been getting along a lot better and he has been working a little harder. When we got back from zone conference, we had weekly planning which means we had our companionship inventory. Elder Traasdahl told me a little of what he told president and just said he likes being my companion. He told me that the first transfer and up until now he has just kind of been leaving me hanging during lessons and stuff so I would have a chance to grow. He said he usually does that with his younger companions (stupid excuse if you ask me) but he said he was glad I didn't back down from the challenge but instead took charge of the lessons. That made me happy because it was my goal. I figured if he wouldn't plan and teach a lesson, I would. He said from now on, he will be helping out a lot more in the lessons which made me really happy. He actually has been too, it's been pretty cool. I figure we can carry this through this transfer and things will be okay, but I still am not sure if I would want to be with him for 2 more transfers, that's a long time to be with someone.

Last night, we got a new investigator. His name is Sergey and his mom is a really active, strong member. His parents are divorced and he lives with his dad. He is almost 17. We have met with his mom quite a bit and if anything, I think her faith and prayers will carry her son to baptism. She has no doubt that someday, both of her sons will be members, if not now, in the future. Her other son is around 21 or so and would be a lot more of a challenge but I hope as much as her that they both accept. She is a great lady and shows great faith in the Lord. We had a lesson with him last night and Elder Traasdahl did a really good job of getting Sergey to understand that we are kids just like him, that just because we are missionaries doesn't mean we are robots, but we have stuff in common. I think that will help out a lot throughout the process. He seemed to be pretty open and honest with us which is really good. He says he really doesn't like to read and his mom has told us before that he doesn't even read very well so that might be a challenge to get him to read the Book of Mormon but if we are careful about the reading assignments we give him, I'm sure he'll do it.

That's about the exciting news for the week. I can't really think of much else. It has been crazy cold here, the warmest it has been is -20 and the coldest is -30. Everyone says that this is one of the coldest winters they've had for a long time. I got my honey candy finally, it was so delicious! I still have a few pieces left. For some reason, my companion doesn't like it, oh well, I didn't want to share anyway. He did however like the apple cider that you sent. I had to hide the last pack of it once I realized how many he had drank. If you do send another package, I would love more of those crystal light drink pack things. Also, I would really appreciate two pairs of garment bottoms so I can get rid of Elder Vernon's old worn out pair and also the other pair that Elder Hiatt found for me in the lost and found. I hate those two pairs. And the other thing I would love is a small jump drive so I can back my pictures up on it. I know there are a bunch of those things laying around the house if you want to just send me one. All this stuff isn't really necessary so if you don't want to send a package, don't worry about it, I know they're pretty expensive. Our money has been holding out okay, I'm pretty sure we'll get our next months money within a few days so today we just have to buy some groceries and we have survived another month. I'm not sure how Elder Traasdahl and I have been spending so much money, me and Elder Hiatt never even came close to running out. Maybe the fact that we live about 50 yards from a McDonalds doesn't help. We have been cooking more as well. We use a lot of chicken and hamburger for different things. We even eat vegetables from time to time. I think that should be everything, I'm glad you guys are doing well. Keep up the good work there in the senate dad, work hard so you can retire early and go on a mission. That's really sad about Senator Parry. Make sure everyone is driving safely this winter. Have a good week, I love you guys and I'll talk to you next week.

Love, Elder Geddes

Cold and ice in Russia

Hi everyone,

Well, another week flew by, I have now been in Russia for over 5 months, crazy. I haven't gotten the honeycandy yet but I will get it this weekend when the President and A.P.'s come down for zone conference. I'm excited to eat it, I hope it still tastes good. I did get the email from Elder Hiatt, he actually sent it straight to my email as well so I got it last week. He was a great companion. That is so scary and sad about Bob Ward, that's too bad. I wonder how his family is doing. Is there anything at all where caribou mountain pizza was? That's wierd that the doctor called from that long ago. Somehow, the last couple weeks have been completely normal. Maybe I'm finally over whatever was bugging me for almost a year, I don't want to jinx myself though. I sure am greatful for a healthy body. Yesterday I was with the greenie and he has been having some digestive issues the past few days. It was awesome to be on the other end of that situation, he nervously asked me as we were walking to the bus stop on the way to an appointment, "Elder, you don't happen to know of any bathrooms between here and Nadyezhda's house, do you?" Haha, and I had to tell him the same exact thing my companions have always told me, "Elder, there are none" Ha, he made it though so there were no big problems but I was sure glad to be able to be healthy and normal for once.

It was pretty fun to be with the other elders for a few days, but nobody likes being in a threesome so it wasn't all that great. There never seems to be enough food, the sleeping conditions are never that good and you always seem to be late to studies in the morning. I got to sleep on a mattress that seemed to be a few springs simply wrapped in fabric. The good thing was they had an extra pillow so I got to sleep with a pillow. The bad news was, they gave me a sheet... only a sheet. I slept on a bare mattress with a sheet for a blanket for 4 nights! It wasn't all that bad, I got a little cold a couple times but all in all I slept okay. I think I could probably sleep anywhere most nights. I'm excited to sleep in my own bed tonight though. My fall count is up to 6 already, unbelievable. Some wierd stuff happened this morning which resulted in me taking two buses alone across town. The first one was on the way to the train station to pick up Elder Traasdahl. The other two elders went to the front door of a really crowed bus and I saw a chance to shove myself into the back door so I got in. I guess the other elders didn't make it, I noticed about halfway through the ride that they weren't there but it was too late by then so I just went to the train station, met Elder Traasdahl and waited for the other elders. On the way back, the same thing happened, only this time it was Elder Traasdahl that fit into the bus and I didn't. It's not cool when stuff like that happens but I'm glad I know enough Russian that I'm not scared. I can ask how to get to any stop I need to and we already had our plan in case we ever get separated so I wasn't nervous or anything. I'm actually pretty glad to have Elder Traasdahl back. He seems pretty happy and was able to go to the temple in Finland so hopefully he has a boost to get him through the rest of his mission, or at least until we get transfered which could be in two weeks or it could be in another transfer. We will probably find out transfers next week. I think I could handle anything, whether it be another transfer with Traasdahl or if I or he gets transfered, everything will be fine.

We have been working with a 21 year old kid named Kostya. He comes to sports night every week and we have had two meetings with him. He actually understands and accepts the things we tell him really well. I just don't know that he is reading the Book of Mormon very well. I have high hopes for him and I know that if he will read the Book of Mormon and pray about it that he will get baptised. Well, not exactly the most eventful week I guess, just some good ol' fashion missionary work. We taught some pretty good lessons and had some fun this week. Oh ya, I keep forgetting, everyone needs to take out their conference edition of the Liahona and look at the picture of Jorge F. Zaballos. When I saw that picture, I thought Dad must have spoke in conference and I just missed it somehow. He looks exactly like Dad, ha. Anyway, I love you guys, thanks for everything. I'll talk to you next week.

Love, Elder Geddes

Saturday, January 16, 2010

More pictures

I am posting more pictures that Jess sent. As I said, I love pictures.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

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I love pictures

Here are some pictures Jess sent this week. I love seeing him so I know he is doing alright. It looks really cold but beautiful there.
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Hey everyone,

Well, not the most eventful week here in Russia. I fell again and my companion fell again today as well so that's always kind of funny. The week has been better because Elder Traasdahl is really happy right now. He found out he gets to go to Finland for his visa trip and will be there for 3 days. He gets to go because the only other person in his visa group is Elder Jouttenus, the Fin. Also, President knows he is struggling and I think he just thought this trip, plus the chance to go to the temple, will be a good boost to get him through the rest of his mission. We'll see what happens. I get to be with the other two elders in Veronezh from Saturday night until Thursday morning. It should be pretty fun. We got to go on splits this week and I was with Elder Waite, the greenie. He is a pretty good kid and has been here for a little over 3 weeks. It was so much fun to be the senior missionary for a day. We knocked on some doors and Elder Waite gave his door approach, when the guy at the door answered, then asked another question, Elder Waite just immediately looked over at me, with a look I've had many times and still have quite a bit like "I have no clue what that guy just said" I understood the guy, answered his question then asked him one. It was so cool to once again realize how much I am growing and learning here. After that, we successfully planned and taught 4 lessons the next day and gave away a Book of Mormon. It was such a great day that we didn't even have time for dinner. Those days are the best when you can lay down for bed at night and know you did everything you could that day and didn't waste any time. I loved it. I felt like I am ready to have a younger companion. We would be able to handle everything and between the two of us, we would still have enough greenie faith to move a mountain. There are two companionships right now of elders who were in my district at the MTC. I am so jealous of them! Oh well, maybe someday I'll get to do that too. As for now, I'm staying positive and having a lot of fun. Something weird that happened this week: We had a lesson with an investigator we recently started teaching. We found out she was only interested because she is part of one of those companies that sells things and when you bring a referal that ends up buying the product, they get 1500 rubles. Anyway, Elder Weight and I taught her and she asked if we would come to her company the next day so she could show us what they do. She was very careful not to say that she was selling anything so Elder Traasdahl and I went the next day. She took us to this room and the head lady for all of Veronezh came in and gave us the whole presentation. The product was this magnetic card thing that was in a plastic case. Some scientist had figured out that people are generally calmer and happier in places like the forest, or at the beach, so he somehow has taken the magnetic vibrations from places like that and has written them on this card. So not only does it make your mood a lot better if you just keep it on your person, it has a whole bunch of other features. You can place a glass of nasty water on it for about 5 minutes and the water tastes great and is healthy. You can even put your dinner plate on it for a few minutes and your food will be more healthy and delicious. If you are offered a glass of wine or beer that you don't want to drink, all you do is put it on the card and it will take the alcohol out and make it healthy as well. It can turn a glass of Vodka into nothing more than lemonade. I wonder if Jesus had something like that when he turned the water into wine, ha. Anyway, it was such a crok and it seems like the "investigator" just thought our church would be a goldmine for referals. So that was kind of funny. Last p-day we took some pictures that I'm sending you. Also, there are pictures of us at the balet, ice fishing, my big furry hat, and the Christmas tree on Red Square. Hope you like them.

My golden contact that I gave the Book of Mormon to asked me not to call him again. I'm not sure why people do that. I think they just forget why they said yes in the first place and they forget what they felt. I kept his name and will give him a call someday in the future. I really thought he would accept. Oh well, gotta keep trying.

It sounds like you guys are all doing pretty well and keeping busy, thanks for not forgetting to write me mom, that wouldn't be too fun. Are you guys getting pretty good at the wii? Well take care, and have fun. I love you guys!

Elder Geddes

Friday, January 1, 2010

Celebrating the holiday's in Russia

Hey everyone,

Happy New Year! It is 2010 and the beginning of another big year. I will spend my whole year here in Russia working hard. It is a good thought to know that I pretty much know exactly what I'll be doing for my whole year. I've been on a mission for about 7 months now, which seems crazy to me. If this year goes by as fast as last year, I will be home in no time! Well, we had a really fun week this week. It was really weird as far as meetings go and stuff. We had a lot of things to be doing and then the people here all have their holiday plans so it was hard to get in contact with people, the next week will be better though. I bought myself the biggest fur hat I could find. It is really cool! I'll send you a picture maybe next week or something. Oh ya, I found out today that Garett is engaged. He will be getting married in May, crazy huh? One of my best friends is going to be an old married man when I get home. Anyway, we had to be in at 6:00 yesterday for safety reasons. We all met at the senior couple's apartment and had a party. We ate pizza and played games and even watched Monsters Inc. It was a lot of fun. At Midnight, we watched the big clock on Red Square strike midnight on t.v. After that there was a small speech given by the president wich was fun to watch as well. After that we went out and lit some sparklers. Then we went to bed and got to sleep in until 8:30. Sister and Elder Lowery cooked us pancakes and eggs for breakfast. We have to be in at 6:00 again tonight and we will be cleaning our apartments and doing our weekly planning. The holidays are pretty much over for us, now the challenge will be working around other people's schedules this week since it will be their Christmas. I think we will have to be in at 6 on Christmas night as well but I'm not sure.

That is cool that the capitol is going to be opened once again. You should send me some pictures, dad. I would like to see what kind of changes they made. Good luck this year in the session. Will it be your last as Pres. Pro Tem? Mom, you will probably love being there this winter so you can go spoil the babies. Hopefully Liz and Dallin get this new baby so you can be traveling back and forth from Boise to Burley spoiling all your grandkids.

I have no idea about transfers. I wasn't at all surprised I didn't get transfered since I have only been here one transfer. I am kind of hoping either Elder Traasdahl or I get transfered this next time, if not I think I will be with him until the end of his mission which wouldn't exactly be my wish. Oh well though, I'll try to make the best out of whatever situation I'm in. I'm really learning to roll with the punches out here in a lot of different ways so that's good. I hope if I ever get to serve in Belarus it isn't until the end of my mission. You can't exactly do real missionary work there so I wouldn't want to go there in the middle of my mission. I haven't gotten the honey candy yet but the AP's are coming down here on Sunday or Saturday I think so maybe they'll have it. Well, that's about all that has happened since we got to talk on the phone. I sure enjoyed that. It really refilled my tank for the next few months until I get to talk to you all again. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Let's all try to set some good goals so we can make the most of this new year. I love you guys.

Elder Geddes